
Social Comparison, Two-sided Sword That We Should Be Careful To

Living in society sometimes cannot be easy as I thought it would be. There are lots of fun things that won’t be fun if we don’t have any friends or acquaintance to do with, such as watching movies, hangout, workout every morning in the weekend, etc. But, the presence of others, especially the significant one, is more influencing on how we see ourselves than how we see theirs. Social Comparison We, humans, tend to look and want to know at other people’s life and compare it to our own. This tendency is called social comparison. With social comparison, we can make our self-esteem become higher than it should be. This kind of self-helping is very important because we have to be able to control and stabilize our self-esteem. If we don’t have a good self-esteem, we tend to view ourselves as a worthless being and disappoint at our own life time by time. If it happens to us all along, trust me, suicidal intention is not an impossible thing that will come to our mind, though it doesn’t...

The Important of Setting Goals in Our life

Akhir merupakan permulaan yang paling awal. Pada dasarnya ketika kita hendak melangkahkan kaki kita kemana pun kita pergi, kita pasti melewati proses yang sama. Sebelum kita menetapkan langkah kita di pagi hari, bahkan sebelum kita mandi pun, kita melakukan hal pertama yang menjadi dasar dari pergerakan kita pada hari itu. Ya, hal pertama yang akan menjadi hal paling awal yang kita lakukan itu adalah penetapan tujuan. Life’s without (or late set) goal be like Tujuan menjadi hal yang paling awal sebab itu adalah yang akan mengarahkan kita dalam menggerakkan diri kita. Tanpa adanya tujuan, kita tidak akan bisa untuk bergerak, setidaknya bergerak secara terarah. Tanpa adanya tujuan, bahkan kita bisa tersesat dari tempat di mana kita sudah berada, yang notabene lebih jelas karena kita sudah mengalaminya, menjadi berada di tempat yang kita tidak tahu apa. Tempat ini bisa saja merupakan tempat yang positif bagi kita, tapi yang kita takutkan adalah itu bisa saja tempat yang negat...

The Future Education Course

I think, will be able to give me such an accurate prediction about the trend of the future education. This kind of prediction would be explained based on the theories, researches, and status quo about the education itself. Can't be denied that human development focus is evolving gradually. Like, in several decades ago working inside and master the micro management would be an important skill. But, in current condition, we can't think as narrow as that.  Tons of variables are involve in the management process for achieving goal, that is the improvement of the learner. The limitless connection and access is one of the most important variable. This kind of conditions will be such a great opportunity to enhance the process of learning, if only if the facilities are being controlled well. Without any system and the comprehension of the system, there won't be any effective effort in manage it to support the education system itself.  Besides, the changing characteristi...


Gelisah Kekosongan pilu menjadi kambing hitam Luapan samudera khayal membasahi realita yang gersang Dua retorika konyol melintas di pikiran mabuk ini Lalu berdialog dan memaksa untuk keluar Harap perlindungan dari kebebasan yang mencemaskan Harap teguran mesra dari sosok lengkap yang tak pernah utuh Diriku hanya bisa…. Menyelam kembali di paradoks yang lari dan tergenang Dalam lintasan sunyi yang memekikkan pikiran Ya, ketenangan semu Yang kehadirannya hanya menggoda tuk pergi meninggalkan This article originally uploaded by cnn

Akademik atau Organisasi?

Time Management “Nanti kuliah lebih milih akademik atau organisasi ya?”. Kalimat tanya ini senantiasa berdengung dengan kerasnya di khalayak mahasiswa. Dorongan orang tua ataupun target menunjang masa depan tentunya menjadi ikatan hubungan yang sangat erat layaknya velg pada ban mobil. Doktrin yang santer bahwa “memilih” menjadi memerburuk suasana para mahasiswa-mahasiswa di Indonesia. Anggapan mainstream yang beredar           Konon, karena keterbatasan kemampuan kita, mahasiswa harus memilih antara akademik atau organisasi. Organisasi merupakan suatu kegiatan ekstra di luar perkuliahan yang sangat memakan waktu dan energi. Ketika kita berkecimpung pada organisasi, sudah kodratnya kita akan mengalami keteteran di akademik. Begitu pula sebaliknya, ketika kita ingin memiliki akademik yang baik, sudah seharusnya kita tidak aktif di organisasi. Ya, itu adalah “konon katanya” yang selalu beredar.      ...

Does Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) Measures The Same Construct as BFI in Indonesia?

Abstract Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) is the short version of personality inventory that referred to Big Five theory. This inventory has already been used in several countries due to its efficiencies, using only ten items instead the normally used test of Big Five Inventory that consist of 44 items. However, there is still limited research that shows its capability to measure Big Five constructs in Indonesian population. The present study aims to investigate whether the Ten-Item Personality Inventory measures the same construct as the Big Five Inventory. A large sample of 3,882 emerging early adulthood Indonesian college students with 15-22 years old of age was involved. Pearson Product Moment Correlation revealed that the Ten-Item Personality Inventory measured the same constructs in three domains to the Big Five Inventory, adding universality of the Ten-Item Personality Inventory. The domains were Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and Neuroticism that have high correlatio...

Reliability and Validity of the Indonesian Version of Big Five Inventory

Abstract Big Five Factor inventory (BFI) is widely used to measure personality. Although several studies have measured the reliability and validity of the 44-item Big Five Inventory, there is only a limited number of research measuring the psychometric properties of the Indonesian adaptation of the Big Five Inventory. The present study examines the reliability and validity of the Indonesian version of the Big Five Inventory. The study involved a large sample comprised of 3,882 college students aged 15-22 years old. The instrument was administered on-site for data collection. Cronbach’s alpha reliability analysis and exploratory factor analysis were conducted to measure the reliability and validity of the instrument. The results showed considerable reliability for items measuring the scales of Extraversion, Conscientiousness, and Neuroticism, while the items for Agreeableness and Openness to experience were slightly below standard. Meanwhile, an analysis examining the number of fac...