Does Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) Measures The Same Construct as BFI in Indonesia?


Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) is the short version of personality inventory that referred to Big Five theory. This inventory has already been used in several countries due to its efficiencies, using only ten items instead the normally used test of Big Five Inventory that consist of 44 items. However, there is still limited research that shows its capability to measure Big Five constructs in Indonesian population. The present study aims to investigate whether the Ten-Item Personality Inventory measures the same construct as the Big Five Inventory. A large sample of 3,882 emerging early adulthood Indonesian college students with 15-22 years old of age was involved. Pearson Product Moment Correlation revealed that the Ten-Item Personality Inventory measured the same constructs in three domains to the Big Five Inventory, adding universality of the Ten-Item Personality Inventory. The domains were Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and Neuroticism that have high correlations with Big Five Inventory. Meanwhile Openness to Experience had a low correlation and Agreeableness showed moderate-low correlation. This also suggested that openness to experience and agreeableness domains should be reviewed more to be satisfactory in Indonesia. Further psychometric evaluations are still required before the Indonesian TIPI can be administered to Indonesian emerging early adulthoods.  Keywords: component; formatting; style; styling

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